Archive by Author

Money Spells

Here is a simple money spell that will bring you prosperity: Items you will need: One small pouch Three small gemstones – citrine, aventurine and bloodstone One green candle Incense One piece of paper and one pen One dollar bill and four quarters 1. On the day of a new moon, bathe using herbal oils and natural soaps to energize you. 2. Cleanse the space you will use by burning the incense. 3. [...]

Protection Spells

From ancient times, talismans, amulets and charms were used to protect against nightmares and ward off the “evil eye”, demonic or malefic spirits, personal calamity and black magic. Some of these amulets had geometric diagrams or mystical formulae inscribed on them and some were usually in the shape of lizards, chameleon or scorpions. Herbs that were used to exorcise haunted cattle or banish [...]

Review of the Book “Meeting God – Elements of Hindu Devotion” by Stephen Huyler

As the author takes us through the villages of India, we see the various ways by which the ancient Vedic rituals that are thousands of years old are still being practiced by billions of people everyday. To take part in a pooja or Hindu ritual is a life changing experience. The book provides hundreds of pictures of temple Goddesses who are worshipped daily by cleaning, cleansing and mantra japa (chanting [...]

About Magic

High magic, or ceremonial magic, is performed to bring about union with the divine. In high magic, the powers of nature, conceived of as being either angelic or demonic, are controlled in conjunction with spirits, using words and the names of sacred gods. Typically, magic involves the use of elaborate rituals, the invocation of spirits (often in a dramatic or theatrical fashion) and mystic sacraments. [...]

Some Basic Wiccan Supplies

Pens Used for entering passages into the witch’s Book of Shadows. Like everything else used in making magic, the pen should be consecrated before use. Some spell makers prefer quill pens as they give a continuance of tradition from the days before the fountain pen. Pentagram A five pointed star, the sides of which are interwoven with one another, can be drawn without lifting pen from paper. [...]

The Idea behind Protection Spells

Garlic was also known to keep all evil spirits away from any space. Let us try to cleanse our house of evil or negative energies using a similar spell. To work this spell, we will need: 5 pods of garlic to banish evil energies from the area 1 long piece of natural yarn, about 20 inches long 1 needle, through which the cord can pass 1 black candle, to banish all negativity from the area A few sprigs [...]

Love Spells and Self Esteem

A Spell to Encourage Self Esteem Lacking that happy knack of making friends easily? If you are asked to a party, do you stand around like the proverbial wallflower while everyone else is engaged in happy conversations and the sound of everybody else’s laughter fills the room? Or maybe your career is stuck in a rut and you see no way to make that break for yourself to get ahead? If you think, [...]

Pros and Cons of Purchasing Wiccan Supplies Online

Sign up for Free Newsletters One way to save more from online shopping is to register for sales and coupons from these sites. Once in a while, as a regular customer, we may get emails with valuable coupons or promotional codes that may save us cold, hard, cash! If you get too many emails from sites (instead of once a week or once a month) you can go to the site and change your options to specify that [...]

The Wicca Religion

Wiccans believe that thoughts are the basis of all creation. There is no external entity that exists in other worlds that we have to worship or bow down to. The term Goddess and God are used to imply the highest of these ephemeral spirits which are under our command. Since Wiccan practitioners have rules, belief systems and ethics in practice, they comply with the definition of a “religion”. [...]

The Wiccan Way

The Wicccan Rede Wiccans live by the Wiccan Rede, a simple benevolent moral code that holds that as long as no one is harmed, ‘Do what thy wilt’. One popular version of the Rede goes as follows and some simple interpretations follow each portion: “Bide the Wiccan Law you must, In perfect love and perfect trust. (Keep the laws of Wicca lovingly and with perfect trust.) Live and let [...]

Wiccan Symbols

The Heptagram is a seven pointed star which is also considered to be the Star of Venus, the Goddess of Love. This symbol illustrates the allocation of the energies of various planets in the course of one week and is used to focus on a particular planet. This symbol is also used in the traditions of Faerie Wicca. Often the Heptagram is engraved on a practitioner’s Book of Shadows (or Black Book) [...]

Love Spells

It always better to create your own love spells. By visualizing your outcome and deeply meditating on your intentions, you can create spells customized to your wishes and dreams. A picture of your loved one or a candle to represent your lover will enhance the environment and increase the surge of energy that you will raise when you are in the sacred circle. Pictures of the loved one also enhance our [...]

Choosing Love Magick: Be Careful What You Wish For

To enhance the chances of meeting someone the old-fashioned way, or even the new-fashioned way via the internet, one of the best love spells to try is one that simply announces to the universe that you are looking for love. In her books, Silver Ravenwolf cautions that you should be very specific when casting this type of spell that you are looking for a human lover or friend as the universe can have [...]

Is Magic Black or White or Gray?

Learn One of the cornerstones of The Craft is the belief that our souls are here on this plane of existence at this point in time to learn lessons. Your lessons are different from (although probably quite similar to) my own. Learn what life teaches you. It is no more difficult than this. Enjoy The life of the witch does not require you to live your life in suffering nor poverty. There are no mandates [...]

How to Use Magic Potions Wisely

Several books have been written on the art of kitchen witchery, the practice of making consumable goods that are charged with magic. In the fantasy tradition, magic potions have eye of newt or toad’s breath or equally disgusting sounding concoctions and have some sort of visible and usually hideous effect. One again, that kind of gross over exaggeration is not the way real magic potions work [...]

White Magick

In the scope of Witchcraft, white magick is the only way to enhance our life and ensure that no harm comes to any of the individuals who practice this way of life. As pagans or practitioners of Wicca, we have to take a solemn oath to always respect life (animate and inanimate) and to stay away from negative forces. Sometimes magick involves various binding and knotting techniques that may hold the [...]

Things You Might Need to Practice Wicca/Witchcraft

Pens Used for entering passages into the witch’s Book of Shadows. Like everything else used in making magic, the pen should be consecrated before use. Some spell makers prefer quill pens as they give a continuance of tradition from the days before the fountain pen. Pentagram A five pointed star, the sides of which are interwoven with one another, can be drawn without lifting pen from paper. [...]

Witchcraft 101

Good witches always make sure that we do not harm anyone with our spells. If we are working a spell to help another, we have to make sure that we ask their permission. Making an altar or private space is a necessity unless you have vast land under your disposal where you can sit in peace at any time. Usually, witches in apartments or small homes will need to set aside a corner or a small room for our [...]

Breaking a Spell

For healing, anoint a white candle with any of the above oils and carve the reason why you think that you have a curse on you. White consists of all colors of the rainbow and it is considered the color of healing. When you get out of the bath, sit in front of the lighted candle and read a spiritual passage from any book that you choose. As the candle melts away the negative influences that have troubled [...]

Witchcraft Wiccan Magick – What is Magick, and how does it relate to Wicca? How is it used?

Regardless of what items or tools Wiccans use, the goal of these rituals is to push forward the powerful energies that create what we call reality. The people who are more spiritually and psychically advanced can quickly achieve the altered state of consciousness that is necessary to control the creative energies. Other practitioners will benefit from the use of soothing oils, perfumes, incense, etc. [...]
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