Archive : General Witchcraft Questions

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How can I get my kids involved?

How to include my kids in a meaningful way?

What should the goals of a good Wiccan be?

How do I select the right witch name?

How do I know that my Witch Name that I selected is the right one for me?

Where can I find a Magick teacher or Wicca Coven?

How can you find a teacher/coven,or contact people who follow the same path?

Where is the best place to learn the craft?

What Witchcraft books do you recommend?

Do you have any types, or list of Witchcraft books in which you can refer?

Can you listen to special music to help your Magick spells?

I am having trouble clearing my mind. I have 2 questions. I was wondering if you have to listen to soft music or can you listen to whatever? When you cast a spell do you have to say it out loud or to yourself?

Does being born on a certain date effect my Magick powers?

Do you feel being born on a certain date has any influence on your chances to be a stronger powered or is there any beliefs of any special reason for someone to be born on for ex. October 31st (1958) the year symbolic? what path should I follow in Witchcraft? I don’t want to follow a modern “watered down version” of witchcraft.

How do I make my own Magick wand?

Do you know where I can get a new wand? My dog got a hold of it and ruined it! Any help on what type of wand I should get, and how to prepare it for use once I get it?

Is it possible to consecrate a circle with a psalm?

Hi, I was wondering………………. is it possible to consecrate a circle with a psalm?

How do I get started in Wicca, even on kidney dialysis?

Hi, I just wanted to write and ask you how can I get started learning the way of Wicca. I m a 26 yr old man still living with my mom and the big reason why is – I am on kidney dialysis. I ve been on it 10 yrs now and its really and pain to live like this. I just want to make my life better because I have a boy on the way into this world and I want to be able to provide the things that he needs [...]

Do you know of Covens in Ontario Canada?

Greetings Rose: I was wondering if you have a list of any other Pagan/Wiccan’s in my area of Niagara Region, ON Canada. I would like to be included into a coven so maybe that if I’m doing a spell or ritual wrong, they can help teach me the right way. if you know of any, can you possibly pass on my email address to them. Thank you.

How do I annoint my candles for spells?

I am new to this whole thing of witchcraft. I have question. How are we supposed to anoint our candles? I am wondering where I can get this stuff. I live in Milwaukee. Can you help me? thanks Erin Hi Erin-

Do you need a license for handfasting?

My daughters religion is pagan and she is getting married in hand fasting ceremony but she tells us there is no license required. Do you have any info on this? Leslie

My nighttime dreams are coming true, why?

Is it normal to have dreams two days before it happens? What does it mean when I keep having dreams that come true just a few days later? Chelsea

Where is the best place to do an Angel location spell?

Blessed Be, I’m going to be going to Florida soon, and I can’t wait to go the ocean and do a Angel location spell. Is it true that Angels gather at the beach at sunset and sunrise? If so what do you know about a spell that would really work? Thanx, and blessed be, Holly

What spells should I focused on as an intermediate wiccan?

Hi Rose, I have been studding Wicca for about 6 years, on and off. For some reason I have REALLY gotten into it more than ever before. I feel like I’m still a “beginner” because I’ve been so flakey with practicing it in the past. What types of spells and rituals and techniques would you suggest I focus on to continue my development in my “renewed” state of mind for [...]

How do I begin the Witchcraft path of Magick?

How do I start on a path of enriching my life with Magick? What things would you recommend I do to put into practice the gifts I feel I have (I feel I have psychic abilities)? I just can’t seem to find a way to release the power I feel I have inside of me… Thanks for your time. My blessings to you, Del

My ring has bad karma, how do I get rid of it?

I have this friend that has a ring, and she said that she got it from a evil person a long time ago and one day she went to clean out her closet and she said that she had not cleaned out for 2yrs and she – there it was. She has her health in one corner – according to Feng Shui and this ring is messing up her health corner and that she wants to get rid of the ring. What is the best way for [...]

What is the Power Of Three in Witchcraft?

When people say Remember the power of Three , what does it mean?
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