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How can I learn to move things with my mind?

hi im 15 years old and i really want to learn how to move things with my mind. i always felt that i could but inever had the right teachings if you could teach me or recommend something for me to read i’ll happily do it since you have 27 years of this. tank you for your time…. larry ^_^

How can I stop someone from taking advantage of me?

How can I stop someone from taking advantage of me? Hi Rosie, I am Sherry-I have a few people in my life who take my kindness for weakness,the more I do,the more they want,they flirt with my husband,leave kids for days,”borrow” things. Also is there a spell I can do to see who took my heart necklace? Thank-you

What age is right for Magick?

What age do u have to be to do magic?

How can I see through my third eye?

how can i obtain my third eye

How can I get rid of negative energy in my home?

Hi Rose, First, thanks for this special website, you’ve worked hard for please all of us and you deserve all ours deepest thanks. My question for you is, is there a way that, behalf of making happy home spells that I could use, to make myself more effective in my others spells I’ll do, because I do have negative energy in my home, in fact, this is my nephew living with us, he’s really [...]

Difference between Shaman, Wizard and Magician

is there have any difference between shaman , wizard or a magician to become a witch? if yes wat are they differences

How can I regain the trust of my boyfriend and his family?

Hi rose, I have wronged my boyfriend and his family. I lost my mind for a while and went on a huge shopping spree opened up credit cards in his name and used his business account as well. I found out it was to a disease of bipolar which I am now under treatment. I need him and his familt to forgive me for what I did and I want a second chance. I know what I did was wrong and I want him and his familt [...]

Is it okay to use an old Athame?

Rose Ariadne I have this obviously old athame. Came in my possession years ago through my then husband, probably from a garage sale. It shows much use.The handle and blade seem to have separated and then repaired.The handle is an owl.For some odd reason I like it.Can I use such old and well worn athame as my own? Or do I need to buy a new one for myself? Yvonne

How to remove a hex

hi rose, i’m having so so much bad luck. have i been previusly jixed or hexed by a jealous Ex best mate.

Bunch of Keys Good Luck Spell and a healing spell

A Very Merry Meet Rose, A while back you had a spell that involved 6 brass keys, making a mobile out of them to hang for protection I beleive. I was wondering if you could repeat it again, I can’t find it. I would also appreciate a simple physical healing spell, my family has had bad colds lately. I have been sick for 10 weeks now. With the Warmest of Wiches and Brightest of Blessings, Kitty [...]

Where can I find online sites which sell altar supplies?

I live in Nebraska and I am having trouble finding the things that I need for a complete altar can you tell where to buy the contents online thank you very much for your time and info God Bless. Mike Michalski

How did witchcraft get started?

how did witchcarft started

Dreams, Friendship oil and a spell to make someone like you

Hi Rose. how are u? I hope you are good. I just started Wicca about two days ago and I am really into it, I was wondering if there was a spell to make you dream about a certain place or person because I love to dream about wicca and magic and i want to be able to choose that. Also what is friendship oil? Because I love that spell on here that you do on a full moon but I need to know what that is. Also, [...]

Black Magic Mantras

i just need to learn black magic……. i know some “mandras” in black magic…. im a malayali…frm india(kerala)……. will u send some more mandras to my mail……. [email protected] this is my id..plz plz

How to use a pentagram

Do you know how to use the pentagram if you do how does it work and do you know about satanism.

How can I get back my husband’s affections?

I’M Having problem with my married my husband wont sleep in the bed with me i dont know why he said that his mind are confused but he love me in i love him please can help me save my married of 19yrs.

How can my family be happy?

okay. I’m twelve years old, turning thirteen on august 16th. I’ve been googling magick for ages and I finally found your website. I read through the page and was so eager to try out your program but then found out how much it costs. I was wondering if there was a free way to learn the delicate techniques to magick because, being a twelve year old, i cant get a job, credit card, or allowance. [...]

Is there good magic?

Is there good magic?

How can I stop having bad dreams?

Rose, Eversince I married 20 yrs ago I have been having usually bad dreams during my sleep , the worst thing is that all that I dreamt actually happens in real life such as meeting a stranger i have never met before but I told him I saw him in my dreams at this place same passerby same cup, same drink , clothes , everything, I have tried all methods everything to stop my dreams also tried stop it from [...]

How do I know if a spell works or not?

I got a spel from you that said burn garlic,carnations,brown sugar and powder suger , i want to know how do you know if it works or not
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