Is Magick a myth?

i am confused and doubtful about the presence of mysterious power of magic. this doubt arised when i tried a spell to bring 3 beautiful ladies (spirit) at night. i did everything as it was mentioned but it was in vain. it was confusing and disappointing and i start thinking that black magic a myth and not a fact. so can i get any idea from you about this issue. Thnaks

How can I get rid of my scar?

dearest rose, this is parul.i took your 7 days magick mini course for whichcraft.i have taken it yesterday night and would be starting with it today. i hav a problen my leg just got a burn from a bike`s silencer which was hot and the burn is fine now,but it has left a very ugly scar.i really want to get rid of it looks horrible. please suggest me how can i get it removed.please help [...]

A spell to get over fear

well all ive gotta ask, and please don’t laugh but is there any small spells that surely won’t do any horrible harm? only a tiny white spell will work for me, i just want to get over my fear of this girl besides she is sort of my friend…so im kinda asking for a kiddish spell….?

How to communicate with father

Hi Rose, my name is Shelby & I am 17 years old. My dad committed suicide March 21st, 2001 when I was 10 years old & I don’t have any closure. I’m going to counseling now & I’m starting to understand things better because I’m getting older, but there is still an empty feeling in my heart. I know deep down inside my dad is doing well & in a better place, but [...]

If you hire someone to do black magick, who gets the karma?

Hi there, I just read your spiel on black magick. I understand what you are saying, but can you clarify something? What if you hire someone to do black magic for you, who gets the karma? Just curious.

How can we get rid of our partners and marry each other?

well i am in love with this lady for 5 y she also loves me alot the onyl problem we both married and our current parteners not willing to give us a divorce as we r sweet and they also know they cant find people like us i wanna know like frankly n honestly do spells work in such situation and like spells are like what we call THE SECRET like u influence the energy field around us to get what ever u [...]

How can I convince my mother to allow me to stay with my brother?


Why do I have premonitions?

Hey Rose i haven’t really ever beleaved in god but all of a shudden im getting signs that god is pushing me to goto church, i have a feeling like something big is going to happen on earth and its comming very soon. I dream things that come true and i have even tryed to change the outcome in real life, i think about people for about a week who i havent seen in years and then i see them in the [...]

Love Attraction spell

dear rose, my boyfriend used to love me alot.. i even did brkup wit him once but his love pulled me back to him… now i love him like anything but it seems tat he’s losing intrest in me.. is there any spell 2 make him love me more or me to forget him?

Why do I fear being a witch?

I have just discovered that Nuit, is my guide. She has the triple moon goddess symbol- a pendant- around her neck. I have always been intuitive- I never thought of myself as a “witch” There’s a bit of fear in me about all of this happening, although I know there is nothing to fear. Your comments would be greatly appreciated!

Spell to get lucky in Love

i have a problem with my luck . during my life and till now, my luck helps in alot of things. i think im a lucky person (in accomplishments,tests,games,gifts)but i have no luck with girls. how can i start or create a luck against or with girls, just to be a full lucky man.?????

When can I call myself a witch?

hey i learned about witchcraft and wiccan stuff from my freind ihave been studying it for about two months the witchcraft and wiccan information ive got so far has helped me a great deal but ineed to know when you can actually call your self a wiccan or witch

How can I lose weight and look like a princess?

Do you cast spells for people? Well I need to find a weight loss spell. I have been big all my life and I have been made fun of by it. I’m only 17 and I would like to look like the skinny pretty girls you see. I have tried everything. I even tried going without eating for 3 months. Nothing. This is my very last hope. Please cast a spell for me. I would like to look like a princess for one time [...]

Who will I marry?

Who will i marry when i grow up?

Can a mortal marry/divorce a witch?

hi I am a first time user for this site. My Question is what can happen to a wiccan witch girl that is legally married to a mortal guy and wants to get a divorce from the wiccan witch girl? can you help.

Spell for selling property and making money

i was working with an international chai of hotels, but right now with som familly problems i am here with my familly,my question s simple ,i want to make more money, and i have some property i want to sell that also,,plzz help me

How to protect myself from psychic attack?

how to protect myself from psychic attack thru candle magic or any other means.

Difference between white and black magick)

I was wondering what the difference between white and black magic is.

How can I get my husband back?

My 24 year marriage ended in 2001 when it was discovered that my husband was leading a double life…the details could make a “best seller”…he remarried 2 years ago but she is a serious alcoholic…and very controlling. I am still in love with him (we have 5 sons)…is it ever possible to change what has happened and have him back?

How do I learn about Magick?

Greetings, my name is kyle and i have been trying to learn how to do magic(real magic) for some time now, i am havin difficulty getting started and any information you can give me up learning how to cast spells/do spells would be much appreciated, thanks. Kyle
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