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How can I get my girlfriend back?

Hi.. I%u2019m vivek from India.. I facing some problem from my girlfriend.. She is try to ditching(cheating) me. But I want to marry that girl. Plz do some this for me. I want back in my life..

How do I choose my path?

hi rose, i feel the need to choose a path, instead of careering is voodo witchcraft, and would that person be a neo-pagan? pls outline only the ‘good’ ones for me. thankx hey. Oliver

How to get rid of an unknown curse?

This is based on an unknown wicca demon. See what happened is that, when I was young. I used to have these dreams of a pile of corpses and a demon like figure standing on top of the pile of corpse laughing a demonic laugh. But I have come to realize that this is a curse that was placed on me when i was young because I have either been hurt really bad or hurt some one else really bad with out knowing [...]

What am I supposed to do with my powers?

Since I was younger I remember always favoring certain time frames, of history, IE King Arthur… and as a child always wanting to be a Gypsi for Halloween.. and odd things like my mom and her thinking people were always trying to take me away in the middle of night… once falling from a top bunk, while my sisters heard something in the room, then me falling and not trying to stop it,, i had [...]

When will I conceive a baby?

im married on 19 Jan 08 until now i cant consive. my sis in law married 5 year ago and still dunt have baby same goes to my husband brother. what happen to my family and y we cant get baby. my date of birth 22 mac 83 and my husband 9 dec 78.

How do we do witchcraft?

me and my friend katie really want to know how to do witchcraft and if we are witches please help us!!!!

How can I find genuine spell-casting services online?

Hi Rose, Do you know of any genuine online spell-casting services? Almost all seem to be scams. While I am looking at those skilled at casting powerful spells, I’m also open to more general (not targeting someone) spells. However, they all seem fake. Best, Captive.

How can remove a spiritual block?

Hello Miss Rose, ^^ My name is Melanie, and if you have the time, i had a question to ask you. I was hoping maybe, since you seem to be quite intelligent ( i mean 27 years? wow!), and that maybe you would know the answer. ^^ See, i’m on a spiritual path, i have been ever since i was 16, and lately i have noticed the feeling of being blocked. I don’t know if you can understand what i mean, [...]

A Love Binding spell

hello rose! can you teach me a love binding spell ? i truly need it please help me!

How do I control my creative thoughts?

im i a witch or what is happening to me i can think about how i want it to rain and it takes a while and then it dose but the wind comes really fast so when im mad the wind will blow realy hard and its scary to me how do i fix myself .??

Is something bad going to happen?

why am i so interested in wicca so bad am i being ready for something that going to happen

A weight loss spell

Do you cast spells for people? Well I need to find a weight loss spell. I have been big all my life and I have been made fun of by it. I’m only 17 and I would like to look like the skinny pretty girls you see. I have tried everything. I even tried going without eating for 3 months. Nothing. This is my very last hope. Please cast a spell for me. I would like to look like a princess for one time [...]

Spell to get a job

Is there a spell to find a job? I have been out of work for over a year and nobody wants me? I am at the end of my rope. I have gone back to school, got certified, took workshops for resume writing, interviewing and such and still can’t a job. I have worked all my life. I am 52 years old and I need a miracle. Can you help?

How can a disabled person find love?

i have been in disabled all my life i always tried to not let it get me down but sometimes i had bad days. as a teenage i started practicing magick my friend, another witch, said i was born a witch. soon i discovered my childhood playmates are my spirit guides & their games were to help me though the bad days disability would bring on. be in a wheelchair hard guys didnt want to take the times [...]

Is it possible for a Christian to believe in and practice Magick?

I am christian but believe totoaly in magic is that right or wrong and want to become a witch is this possible.

What can I substitute for Athame and Incense burner?

Rose, I just recently becided to become a Wiccan, after having waited for several months, brooding. However, I am having a little trouble. I am a ‘closet Wiccan’ since I am afraid of how my parents would react to finding out I am soon to be a modern-day witch. They believe all Paganism is devil-worship (even though they aren’t really Christian) and I am not keen on sharing MY views [...]

Spell to keep a happy home

I was wondering if there is any way to tell if my husband has a curse on him. He repeatedly is getting fired from his jobs; his car got broke into and now he says that he doesn’t love me ( he used to). I would like to help his bad luck come to an end but don’t know how. Please help.

How can I get my husband back?

My husband and I started having problem Nov 2004, then it got worst as soon as a young girl started working Home Health Care for his elderly father. He started changing and I picked up on the details ,phone bills, etc…I felt he was cheating on me because he was out up until 2am sometimes at night… He denied it..In 2005 I applied for a job in PA , then moved out , because of the now abuse [...]

Is white magick bad?

I wanted to know if white magic is bad.and is there a spell I could make someone love me or think of me or care for me

How to get rid of my abusive boyfriend?

i need to get rid of my boyfriend he is verbally abusing me and if i leave him im afraid he will hurt me please help me ge him out of my life without him hurting me or the people i love
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