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Is Wicca gender-restrictive? How can I believe?

1st question is… Is this practice constricted only to the female gender? And second question is, I really want to believe in sorcery and the possibility of all things magic, but I have been let down too many times by countless failed attempts. I try really hard to believe, but I have hit the wall too many times. I truly believe I possess certain qualities that would enable me to enact magical [...]

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I need to know the truth about an affair that my wife had 23 years ago as this has had such a negative effect on her that she is suffering from eating disorders to this day and is currently weighing 37 kilograms. I am not just a jealous husband i really want to help her. Is there a spell that will reveal the truth to me without causing her more pain Regards Nic

Is there really a witch school like Hogwarts?

Dear Rose, My cousin and I have magickal powers and we wanted to know if there is a school for wiches and wizardsworlocks like hogwarts (in harry potter). I keep telling him that there isn’t but he keeps bugging me that there is… well can you answer that for me? Thanks From, Nicole

How do I use black magic on my lover?

How to use blackmagic to your love or crush?

Can you help me steal another woman’s husband?

Iam in love with a married man for last 04 months(name :Vikas Solanki),he told me he loves me a lot, but from last 02 months he is not making a single call to me.I had some physical relation with him too,but now he is ignoring me.Iwant to know the reason why is he doing so & also want to get him in my life forever at any cost. He lives in a different city so I cannot get to him, neither do I know [...]

Are there free wealth and beauty spells that I can do to keep my girlfriend?

HI,Rosa I hope you’re fine! Your site is great,i wonder how many problems have been solved by your suggestions. But lets get to the point…Actually I’m from Greece and I’m 16 years old,SO i might make some mistakes,forgive me.I’m very attracted by the supernatural and the magic and all this stuff but I’m not very involved with them because I’m afraid. I don’t [...]

Should I try black magic?

Ok see I know doing black magic can bring you on a bad side if you abuse it and I know many people say they wont and end up hurting people or hurting themselves I have been practicing wicca for over 5 years now and I feel like I am getting stronger every day i can do many things yet I am still just a normal kid with a high power. What I dont know is once you go over the line and become a wicca who [...]

Can you help me break up with my boyfriend?

I want to break up with my boyfriend because he is starting to try and control my life and telling me who I can/can’t be friends with and what I can/can’t wear and telling me in front of 4 people that I’m acting slutty just because one of my guy friends called. He knew when we started going out that most of my friends are guys and how I like to dress nice and go out every now and [...]

Should I be with Leo?

Hi I lost a boyfriend once because another guy i was seeing threatened to kill himself if i did not become his girlfriend. Unfortunately for my ex-boyfriend Leo, he stole a car and now is in rehab….am i meant to be with him?

Is it okay to cast a protection against someone?

Rose, love your blogs very imformative. I have a question, well actually im looking more for an opinion and/or a suggestion. I have a brother who has been inflicting emotion harm on myself and my other brother and sister(there has been some shoving and pushing also).3 of the four of us live in the family home its a duplex and he lives on one side and my sister and nephew live on the other side. this [...]

Am I too young to decide to be Wiccan?

rose, my name i morgan, im 14 years old. i need your honest opinion about wheather or not im too young to think about being a wiccan. and how can you tell if you are ready or fit to be one? even if not now but later?

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Hi I’m Hannah, 13 i am a christan( at least i thought i was) but i don’t what to think anynore.and i just got interested in Wicca because the whole Meditation and candle thing is really cool. Anyway i was wondering what is a Ouija board and why are they so bad to use? Oh and one more thing i am really scraed that i might be going hell for just think the stuff is cool is that ture? Thxz [...]

Can I use Black Magic to keep my business going?

Can Black Magic gain back a bad brake up with a business partner. Not to bring my business partner back together with me. But keep my name going becuse I put the business together and to shut her down.

How can I make a cute boy like me?

Can I make this cute 10 year old boy in my class to like me. With a spell. How?

How can I meet and marry an astronaut?

Hi Rose, I am Deepti Narayan. I am currently doing my M.Sc. in Clinical research. I am somehow attracted NASA astronauts and want to marry one. Will you please me??

Can I do magic without interfering with my relationship with God?

if I do magic will it intefere with my relationship with god I strongly belive in god and love him very much ive recently been hering about all this magic it can help you gain money make somebody love you and all that I also heard that black magic is used by devil worshippers and white magic is used by christins is this true sence im christin do you think the best thing is to pray to god to get the [...]

How do I maintain my magic while ill?

I am very sick, mentally, to the point of living on social security and possibly having a semi-experimental surgery. I am on medication that makes it hard to concentrate. I have been practicing for a few years and I have found that my gift is candle magick. But since I have gotten sicker (I have had these ailments for 18 years and spent a lot of that time trying to end my life.) I have a really [...]

How can I become a Devil Worshipper?

how can i become a devil worshiper

How can I get rid of an old spell that was cast on me?

How do I remove a spell that was put on me several years ago. Thanks Carol

How can I break a black magic spell on my wife?

there is a master in black magic who has placed some spells on my wife to break up our marriage. He also had buried our wedding opic torn in half with black roses, He buried them in a cemetary. This master also summoned the demon sameul to control my wife. My question is what do I or what can I do? I have just started studying witchcraft and I have no real power as of yet Do you know any witches that [...]
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