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How can I quit seeing ghosts?

how do you become a real powerful witch with powers. how do you get rid of seeing ghosts and hearing them. Im desperate please email me back. :] :] :] :] :];;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Love: Courtney

Realization Spell

My friend always teases me and I don’t know what to do about it. can you send me a realization Spell or how about making him naked spell?

Can this infection be a glitter?

I have a infection that I’ve been trying to get rid of for along time can you help me get rid of it forever it keeps me up all night and it drives me nuts it is aglitter

Finding a Lost Pet

tried to do a spell to bring my pet lab (Bo) home. I quess it didn’t work or i didn’t do it right. I wanted to do a spell to bring him home or who ever has him to bring him home where he rightfully belongs. Can you help me with this?

Poppet Magick

“hi rose can you tell me what color of the fabric of the poppet magick can i use for contrlling someone?”

Should I hide my witchcraft interests from my mother?

Should i hid this from my mom?

Can Wiccans share magic with Pagans?

Is it ok for a Wiccan to learn things and practice spells and rituals and whatnot with a Pagan?

How does one communicate with Jinn?

Dear Rose PLease tell me how to communicate with my jinn I know that they are there and yet I am unsure of the communication and how it is done. I light their candles and handle their vessels and try to meditate and sometime I can picture them in my mind, the way I see them according to their personality and how long I have been with them, I don’t know if is me and my mind is doing what I want [...]

What are the effects of removing black magick spells cast on the victim of these spells and the initiator of these spells?

Hi Rose, I am very NEW to all of this, so please forgive me for my questions. But first I will fill you in on the situation…. I have been very fornuate to have found my soulmate however he is married as am I. There is this wonderful connection that we both share, that is unexplainable, ie. I can feel him when I am not with him, we are constantly on each others minds, etc. We have been involved [...]

How can I learn to levitate?

i want to learn how to levitate easily instead of using all of these meditation but i dont want to do it satinic way i jus want easy instuctions and how to make a object float to

How do I get a lover out of my life?

Okay so I need a bath that I can take which will make my lover go away. I have done all I can for him but I’m afraid this man is beyond my love. He’s not a bad man but a hurt one and my love certainly can not save him, though I’m sure I have brought him to a better understanding about relationships. Which was my goal, anyway he quite powerful so I need something that will move him [...]

Is Witchcraft a dogmatic religion?

Dear Rose, Merry Meet! My partner Jerry purchased your Witchraft Home Academy several months ago. We don’t yet live together but hope he’ll soon share it with me. I’m sure it’s very hard to part with even for a while! My Question for Today: Numerology: My birthdate makes my core number 8, yet I feel that 7 reflects my personality more accurately. Likewise, Jerry comes [...]

We were born psychic. Does that make us Witches?

I read a book where it said that there are not natural born witches. I happen to disagree. There are people out there that can do things that others can not. I wondered what your opion was on this and if you know such people that are out there what would you suggest. For example there are four of us that represent the four aces. Each one of us can do something different. Like I can see the past, [...]

How can I practice the Craft if I only have a little bit of money?

Rose, I need to know what i need to begin spellcasting. Ive heard about altars, and casting circles, things to do with the full moon, hours of the day/night, oils, incense, herbs, stones, days of the week and a bunch more things. I need to know if I need to have all those type of things to make a spell work. Most important I need to know if I need an altar and if I do need one how do I make one? What [...]

I am new to Wicca. How can I find my path?

Hello Rose- I am feeling lost. I am interested in learning about the Wiccan way, but not sure which path to follow. I know there is several types of wicca. How do I learn more and which path is for me. Thankyou ~Blessed be~ Jenn

Are there home supplies I can use to cast magick?

If I have no money to buy the supplies i need what is another way i can practice magick with home supplies or what are some stuff i can use that i would have in my house? thank you, Toni

Where can I get Wiccan training?

Aloha Rose, It is Daniel I am just wondering I am starting on meditation and yoga to help center myself, I feel my conection to the earth is getting great. I do however want to know how to be properly inishiated to the old religon, I was also wondering if you know of any wiccan schooling I might be able to get… Please let me know, any help would be greatly apprecheated, Sincerly, [...]

How can I change my luck at work?

My life is falling apart, my Boss is trying to nugde me out of the company. I have been having problems with this one Ladie and he is setting me up, and siding with her.I need some really good luck to come my way.

Can I use magic to get revenge?

Hey!how can i revenge for the one who grabbed my phone?

Which spell can help me protect my daughter from school yard bullies?

Dear Rose, my daughter whom is 16yrs old, is being bullied at school by a large group of girls.They stole her bag, with personal belongings and pocket money, film her ,take photos,call her names and threaten her.The teacher is aware of the situation but nothing happens. my daughter just wants to get on with school and get the grades she needs so she can continue her has come to it that my [...]
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