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dear rose I recently found your site and believe you may be able to help me. my marriage has been on the rocks for 5 years, still trying to mend it. During that time I met someone on the internet. I avoiding speaking to this person at first, then one day we started talking about personal issues. My mother was very sick at the same time in another state and passed away 2 weeks after I started speaking [...]


Do cats have magic or affect your magic? I was wondering because I’m studying witchcraft. I have six cats.


I’ve heard that magic comes back at you. So, if you did something to hurt someone, it would hurt you to? So, is that a way to tell if something that happened to you is magic?

Is 9 too young to start learning spells?

I’m nine, but I really want to learn spells. I don’t know if I’m the right age. also, I need to know some good spell books or shops. I know it would be ok with my parents. Thanks!

Can I become a witch at 13?

Hello. This is not my real name but i would apriciate being called Zee. Im 13 years old and i really want to be a witch. I want to be able to cast spells to help me and my friend. for starters i dont have confidence.. i am very shy and scared about walking around on my own and walking past people. So i what i want to know is ” is there any way i can become a witch at my age without using candles [...]

Has this man cast a spell on me?

this guy i am seeing treats me bad but i feel like i need him?? has he put a spell on me. or am i in love?

Can you give me a spell to get my ex back?

I am 27 now and my ex is 31. I love him so much. He broke up with me almost 3 years ago now.. for no good reason, at a time i need him the most. He is a gemini and I am a leo. We see each other once a year. I miss him dearly and i WANT him back. I dont know what what to do .. how can i get him back.. what kind of spell can I cast.. please help me

Can you predict my future?

will be I rich? Will I get high position? Will I have a chaild?

Has my husband ever cheated on me and if so, when?

Has my husband ever cheated on me and when was it done?

Can you tell me the sex of my baby?

i have two questions i am pregnant and i am wondering if my child will be a boy or a girl? my other question is an ex aquantance i feel is my soulmate how do i know he is recently single and after 4 yrs i still feel something for him but he is affraid are we soulmates or should i just back off

I Have Feelings for a man I met on the Internet; What should I do?

i am married and i have been talking with a guy for about three months and i’m starteding to have feeling and i dont know what to do

Can you help me become a werewolf?

this is a complicated question. its my belief that most myths are based off of facts so they where once real at some point it our existance. under these conditions i believe that werewolfs were once real and suffered from a “curse” only i don’t think its a curse. i’m researching to find a spell or a ritual or anything that will help in the return of these creatures, hopefully [...]

Am I Evil Because I’m Psychic?

Help Rose, i think i might be psychic. I see things in my head then I usually happens the next day or so. I have a very good memories of things at the age of 1, and they’re very vivid. I need your help, help me understand. Am I psychic? Am I evil because I’m psychic? Thanks For Your Time! Kacee


My neighbor is literally the neighbor from hell. I know this for a fact because I use to be her friend, and watched her start trouble with one neighbor after another.( she has even been arrested twice). She does things to anger someone, and then argues and fights with them. One time she hit a neighbor girl with her car door. I told her time and time again to stop, and that what she was doing to people [...]

How many magicks are there?

Hi! my name is megan and I’m 13. Well I got sick of being a christian because all the lies they were feeding me and decided to give wicca a try.Well I was wonering how many magicks are there? I want to know that berfore i get started.

Should I use spells?

hi ive just started witch craft adn i want to use spells but im not sure if they would work and if they dont i would dout myself adn think im useless and i would think theres no point on doing withcraft irf i cant do spells .do you think the spells would work adn if i would write the spells on my own do i have to perform them in a circle or a secred place ?

Is there a fertilit spell to help me get pregnant?

i am trying to get pregant is there anything that could help me out with this and quickly?

What is Green Magick?

I was asked by a friend what green magic is can you help as my friend answered questions I had not asked anyone

Do all Wiccans receive psychic powers?

Is it possible to awakening to new Ppowers? When I became a Wiccan, the most unusal things started to happen. Such as: I could tell certain things/events were happening when I would merely look at the weather. I would have a dream every night, and the events in them would happen the very next day. I could hear some of other’s thoughts (not on purpose). And hearing bells, chimes, and always this [...]

(Enter Title Of Question Here)

i use to have the power to see thing like the furture,ghostly beings and feel them, see things that aren’t there but are (like one of my old friends was a demon slayer and he asked me if i could see his sord and i did) but sence my older bother died i have been able to see anything. could it be too much grife or could he have been my link? also haveing problems talking to my sister teleapathy(where [...]
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