I want to attract guys and win large amounts of money….

i want to attract guys….and i want to win a larg amount of money…

So, you want to attract guys and win large amounts of money? Well, I wish you good luck on both accounts… but that is about all I can / am willing to do for you…. I am guessing that what you are really asking me is if there is a way you can use magic to attract guys and to win large amounts of money – to which I would answer that “using” magic in such base and selfish manners is not something that I, or most practitioners of the wise craft, would ever condone… and is certainly not something that I would ever aid another with…. Such vulgar uses of the art is much more commonly associated with its darker, more self-serving incarnations – and is certainly not something that I would ever want to be a part of or party to…. It is one thing to have a genuine need for something and thus employ spells or rituals to achieve those ends… but another thing entirely to be motivated by our own selfish ends. If one needed additional money to say, pay for a hospital bill or to feed a child, I would have no issue and no qualms about assisting them with certain magics – but wanting it just for the sake of having it… well, I think that if you continue down this path, you will find the universe taking a very dim view of your actions indeed….

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

One Response to “I want to attract guys and win large amounts of money….”

  1. jasmeet says:

    hello ..
    i left my home when i was 18 in search of work , becose i m from poor family ..start liveing by my own ..
    i seen very bad in time in my life.. even sometime i slept without eating somethink ..
    from last few years i did really really hard work .. offcouse i got results of my hard work , i make money , gave big sport to my family .. they are liveing there life free of tension but all the time great opportunites comes to me and it just skip from my hands . when ever i keep think about that opportunites i feel so bad cose they all gone . i am quite upset when ever think about my future .. i just want to ask you is this bad luck gona stay with me whole life . please reply and show me the way .

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