The Witchcraft Sabbats

Litha (+/- 21 June)
Litha marks the Summer Solstice. It is the longest day and the shortest night of the year. The Goddess and God now rule the earth in union. The Goddess is pregnant, signifying the abundance and plenty now on earth. The Sabbat also indicates the turning point of the year. Until Yule, the light will gradually fade, giving in to darkness. Litha is not a time for reflection though. For Witches/Wiccans it is time to celebrate and make merry as though there is no tomorrow.

Lughnasadh (1 August)
Lughnasadh marks the first harvest. Now is the time when the plants and trees drop their seed both to ensure future crops and to provide us with food for the rest of the summer and perhaps even the winter months to come. The God’s power is waning and the Goddess realizes that He is approaching death. Yet inside Her, she carries His seed thus ensuring that He will live on. For Witches/Wiccans it is a time to remember the bounty of the earth and understand that the Universe is constantly changing, always in flux.

Mabon (+/- 21 September)
Mabon is the second harvest and marks the Fall Equinox. As at Ostara, the day and the night are of equal length. The God is busy dying. The earth is withdrawing its bounty as each day passes, preparing for rest. For Witches/Wiccans, Mabon is a time of preparation. It is a time of taking stock and a time to find some balance again.

Samhain (31 October)
The Witches/Wiccans bid the God farewell as He dies and enters the Underworld. Their farewell is however only temporary as He is awaiting rebirth to the Goddess again at Yule. At Samhain, the veil between the realms of Life and Death is at its thinnest. In celebrating Samhain, Witches/Wiccans celebrate those loved ones that have crossed over to the Realm of Death. It is a time, when Witches reflect on the year gone by and come to terms with the one constant in Life, namely Death.

True Wiccans/Witches honor the eight Sabbats as these are days of both real and symbolic power. Celebrating the Sabbats is an important aspect and an integral part of the Wiccan/Witch’s way.

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Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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